Archive | September, 2016

British Airways cancel free food onboard & introduce paid menu

Thursday, September 29, 2016


British Airways economy class passengers on short-haul flights will soon have to pay for sandwiches supplied by Marks & Spencer if they want a meal in mid-air. The airline has confirmed it will scrap free food and drink on its short-haul flights and instead offer passengers the opportunity to purchase snacks and sandwiches provided by Marks […]

HIT! Cheap flights to Sri Lanka and Maldives for only €265!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


If you want to visit amazing Sri Lanka or Maldives this Autumn we have a great deal for you. Return flights from Belgrade, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia or Bucharest to Colombo are available for only €265! Usual price for this route is at least €500 so you save quite some money! This deal also works for flights to Male […]

WOW! Incredibly cheap flights to USA: Miami for only €205!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


If you want to visit Florida next year, don’t wait a single second. Return flights from Stockholm to Miami are now available for only €205! You can fly also from Oslo for approx. €40 more (direct flights!) or from Stavanger or Helsinki. Normal tickets would cost you at least €450 or more! This is obviously […]

Crazy cheap flights from UK, Germany and Belgium to Romania for only €2.99!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Ryanair is now selling crazy cheap flight tickets to Romania (and vice versa). You can now book flights from London, Dusseldorf or Brussels to Timisoara in Romania for only €2.99! This means you get a return flight for less than €6! We are pretty sure that the transport from the airport will be more expensive […]

Shocking: 30% of New York hotels do not change bed sheets

Thursday, September 15, 2016


American magazine Inside Edition found that three out of nine upmarket hotels in New York do not wash their bed sheets. An investigation by Inside Edition found that three out of nine upmarket hotels in New York do not wash their bed sheets before giving rooms out to new guests. The investigative team sprayed the […]

MEGA HIT! Cheapest flights to Hawaii in history: Honolulu for only €348!

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Wow, what a bargain! We have a very special deal for you today, the cheapest tickets to Hawaii in the history of Rushflights! Return tickets from Amsterdam, Brussels or Luxemburg to Honolulu are available for only €348! For just few Euros more, you can fly also from Paris, Nice, Marseille or Strassburg! You can also […]

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