Cheap flights to turkey

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Cheap flights to Turkey: Istanbul from Prague for only €63 / 1607 CZK!

Monday, November 11, 2019


UPDATE 11.11.2019: Very cheap return flights from Prague to Istanbul are again available for only €63 / 1607 CZK! Travel dates are from December 2019 until March 2020, e.g. 11.3.-15.3. or 20.3.-23.3. Cabin bag up to 8 kg included in the price, 20 kg check-in bag costs only €14 extra. BOOK NOW, check screenshot. ORIGINAL […]

Ryanair launches first routes to Turkey: Dalaman from Bratislava and Dublin!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Ryanair announced a major news today: the low-cost airline will launch first flights to Turkey! The new route will be operated to Dalaman in Turkey located on Turkish riviera, popular destination for holiday packages. The flights will be operated from Dublin in Ireland and Bratislava in Slovakia. Dalaman is close to resorts oriented towns of […]

Cheap flights to Turkey: Istanbul from Prague, Berlin, Vienna etc for only €75!

Friday, June 10, 2016


Here’s a great chance to see a beautiful city for amazing price: Return flight from Prague to Istanbul are now available for only €75 / 2027 CZK! You can also fly: from Milan for €78 from Warsaw for €81 from Amsterdam for €77 from Brussels for €83 from Vienna for €86 from Berlin for €93 from […]

Cheap flights to Turkey: Istanbul from Prague for €91!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Turkish Airlines now offer really cheap tickets to Istanbul from the Czech Republic. Return tickets from Prague to Istanbul will cost you only €91 / 2491 CZK! This price includes also 20 kg luggage. You would normally pay at least €200 for this trip! Travel dates are from November 2015 to March 2016. These flights are direct. Example dates: […]

Cheap flights to Turkey: Istanbul from Budapest for €39!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Wizzair now offers really good prices on flights to Turkey from Hungary. Return tickets from Budapest to Istanbul are available for just €39 / 11780 HUF! This price is valid only if you travel with small cabin luggage (42x32x25 cm) and if you are member of Wizz Discount Club (29€ per year, non-members +10€ extra). Wizz Air flies to Sabiha […]

Super cheap flights to Turkey: Budapest-Istanbul for €29!

Friday, March 6, 2015


UPDATE 6.3.: super low price on tickets from Budapest to Istanbul again available, only €32 / 9780 HUF! Travel dates in May, for example 16.5.-20.5. or 27.5.-30.5., valid for WDC members, book here. WizzAir has 20% discount on all flights today and if you combine this with their already low prices you can get really […]

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