Archive | January, 2019

WOW! Wizz Air flights from London across Europe for only £1!

Monday, January 21, 2019


Wizz Air just launched a great promotion from London! You can now book one-way flights from London for only £1!! Available destinations are: Lisbon, Portugal Tallinn, Estonia Bratislava, Slovakia Verona, Italy Bari, Italy Larnaca, Cyprus Travel dates for this amazing offer are in January and February 2019. If you look for accommodation try AirBnB and get […]

Low-cost Frontier Airlines ask passengers to tip their flight attendants

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


American low-cost airline Frontier Airlines has started asking passengers to tip their cabin crew. US-based Frontier Airlines previously introduced a tipping function on digital tablets which would be pooled among all flight attendants. According to reports, the airline is now encouraging passengers to tip individual flight attendants. The tablet, used to order snacks, prompts passengers to […]

Uber launches in Poland: free 50 PLN coupon code!

Thursday, January 3, 2019


We have already informed you about launch of Uber and opportunity to get up to $60 free credit. Uber today opens on another market in Poland. If you don’t know Uber, it’s basically better (and cheaper) taxi service with neat mobile application where you can see how long it’s gonna take before the taxi arrives […]

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