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Cheap flights to Sri Lanka in main season: Colombo for only €368!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Lufthansa together with Vistara Airlines now offer pretty cheap flights to Sri Lanka in the main season! Return flights from Munich, Berlin or Hamburg to Colombo will cost you only €368! Regular tickets to Sri Lanka from Germany cost around €800. Travel dates are great from December 2023 to April 2024 which covers pretty much […]

Cheap last minute flights to Dominican Republic: Punta Cana for €234!

Monday, March 2, 2020


UPDATE 18.2.2020: Very cheap direct last minute flights from Copenhagen to Punta Cana in Dominican Republic are now available for only €234! Fixed dates 6.3.-20.3. Cabin bag included, check-in bag available for extra fee. Use Chrome to translate the booking page to English. BOOK HERE, check screenshot. ORIGINAL POST: TUIfly now offers cheap last minute flights to […]

Cheap flights to Mexico: Cancun for €330!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


UPDATE 21.1.2020: Cheap flights to Mexico are now available from Berlin or Munich to Cancun for only €330! Flights are operated by SWISS and Air Canada and we recommend paying few Euros extra (€337) for shorter transfers, there are lot of flights to choose from. Flights include 23 kg check-in bag and meal onboard. Travel […]

Cheap flights to Brazil: Rio de Janeiro for only €353!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


UPDATE 11.9.2019: Very cheap flights to Brazil are now available from Paris, Nice or Bordeaux to Rio de Janeiro for only €353! Cheapest departures are from Nice but the difference is just a few euros. 23 kg check-in bag and meal onboard are also included. Travel dates are great from November 2019 to June 2020, […]

WOW! Cheapest flights to Cuba in history: Havana for only €179!

Saturday, April 13, 2019


UPDATE 13.4.2019: Wow, super cheap flights to Cuba are back! Return flights from Frankfurt to Havana are available for only €190. Fixed dates 13.5.-25.5. or 20.5.-25.5., direct flight, 20 kg check-in luggage included. Hurry up and BOOK NOW, check screenshot. Wow, that’s a really insane price! It has been pretty much impossible to find tickets […]

Cheap flights to Hawaii & Alaska: Honolulu for €424!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


If you want to visit Hawaii or Alaska you have a great chance to buy tickets for 50% of the usual price. Return flights from all major German airports to Hawaii are available for only €424! You can fly from Dusseldorf, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt or Hamburg. You can fly to all destinations on Hawaii islands: […]

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