Archive | July, 2018

Annoying 100 ml liquids airport limit could end soon – new 3D scanners being tested!

Monday, July 23, 2018


New 3D scanners being trialled at Heathrow airport could mean the end of the strict rules on carrying liquids on to planes. Computed tomography (CT) scanners, widely used in hospitals for scanning patients, can give a detailed image of the inside of a suitcase. The regulations on carrying liquids, which require passengers to keep liquids of up […]

HIT! Super cheap flights to South Africa: Cape Town for only €184!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Here’s a really nice error fare for you if you want to visit South Africa this winter! Return flights from Berlin (Tegel) to Cape Town are available for only €184. You can also fly from Frankfurt (€203), Hamburg (€238), Stuttgart (€242) or Nuremberg (€237) on selected days. Regular price is around €600 for this destination. Travel dates are […]

MEGA HIT! Crazy cheap flights across Europe with LEVEL for only €0.01!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


We informed you about launch of 14 new routes from Vienna by low-cost airline LEVEL already last week, but now this branch of Iberia / Vueling stepped up the game even a bit more. LEVEL launched promotion on their 14 new routes and sells tickets for only €0.01 for one-way flight! These tickets are available […]

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