20% off Contabo hosting coupon code 2018

14.06.2017 at 09:00

Cheap flights

Contabo is a very popular webhosting company and you can now save lot of money thanks to our special discount code. We recommend Contabo if you want to start for example a travel blog or just need a quality space for your online presentation. They also offer cheap dedicated servers and VPS.

We do not recommend hosting with Contabo! We encountered numerous problems with uptime, technical support and connection speed at Contabo. We strongly recommend Siteground instead, which we tested and offers significantly better service!

To get a huge 20% discount from your Siteground order, just click on the button below and use the displayed discount code during the checkout.

This Contabo coupon code works on all hosting and reseller hosting orders and packages.

These Contabo promo codes may be disabled at any time so you better hurry up.

There is no minimum order necessary for the coupons to work.

Enjoy your cheaper hosting with Contabo!


Rating: 5 (7x)


One Response to “20% off Contabo hosting coupon code 2018”

  1. Chris Bird says:

    I however disagree with your update, I’ve been with Contabo for about a year and they’ve been nothing but helpful.

    When BT blocked one of my IPs I contacted them and they provided me with a second IP for free until my issue was resolved…

    On the other hand, 1&1? They are terrible, at least when I used them, limited subdomains to 5 without paying more, no wildcard subdomain (big deal when you’re a developer and you want to show a client some work!!)

    I came across this page because I was looking for a voucher code on a couple new Contabo vps’s because I’m cheap!

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