Air France launches low-cost airline Joon targeted at millennials

24.07.2017 at 15:45

Travel news

Air France is launching a new airline aimed at millennials whose “lifestyles revolve around digital technology”, the carrier has announced. The new Air France airline is called Joon—in reference to jeune, which means young in French—and it’s not simply another low-cost carrier.

Scheduled to launch this September, Joon will offer an “innovative and offbeat” experience to its “young and connected” jet-setting clientele, claims Air France, suggesting it will focus on providing Internet connectivity.  “This new brand has been entirely designed to meet their requirements and aspirations,” the carrier said in a statement.

Sporting a more hip and casual feel, passengers can expect to be served by cabin crew wearing electric blue-coloured “basic and chic” uniforms (think white trainers, blazers with rolled up sleeves, polo shirts and ankle-length trousers).

The crew’s apparel, which was reportedly inspired by workers in a Silicon Valley start-up, is supposed to capture the airline’s “dynamic attitude”. A millennial typically describes someone aged between 18 and 35 years old, though that definition has been a source of much debate.

Further information about the new airline will follow in September when Joon is expected to launch European routes from Paris; long-haul flights will follow in 2018. The new carrier will use single-aisle Airbus A320s, as well as long-range twin-aisle A340s and A350s. More details together with complete routes and prices will be unveiled in September.

Anyway this is great news for fans of low-cost traveling – every new airline focusing on providing decent service and offering good price is more than welcome on the competitive European market.


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