Alitalia 25% discount E-coupon code

30.04.2013 at 10:03

Cheap flights

Alitalia now offers nice 25% discount for certain destinations across their network.

If you use special E-coupon code, you can save 25% on the price of the ticket.

You have to book the flights before 7th May 2013.

There are two coupon codes:

1. Flights from Barcelona and Casablanca to to Malta, Tunis and Valencia between 13.5. and 30.6.

  • Discount code:

2. Flights to Rhodos, Djerba, Ibiza or Antalya between 15.6. and 15.7.

  • Discount code:

Book directly at which recently introduced nice new design.



Rating: 4.5 (27x)

Keywords: e-coupon alitalia 2014, alitalia ecoupon, ecoupon alitalia, alitalia e-coupon 2014, alitalia e-coupon

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