– book cheaper flights anywhere in the world!

13.04.2017 at 12:02

Travel news

We are happy to introduce you our new project!

We just launched – website focused on providing you cheaper flight than you are able to find.

It is really simple: you fill out the booking form, specify when and where you want to fly, if you are flexible with the dates and add other details and finally add your price.

This is the best price you were able to find, together with link to this offer.

BeatMyFlight travel experts will then try to beat your price, which means they will find you the same flight cheaper or they find different flight with lower price.

They achieve this using deep knowledge of travel market and years of experience as travel agents, travel bloggers for websites like RushFlights and flight hackers.

The service offers Zero risk guarantee, which means you get 100% of your money back if the travel experts are not able to find cheaper flight for you.

The first results are already shared on the official Facebook page of and the clients were able to save €50-€100 on their flight tickets.

If you want to fly cheaper, check out!


Rating: 4.3 (20x)


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