Cheap flights from Wroclaw to Morroco: Fez & Tangier for €65!

27.12.2013 at 12:47

Cheap flights

Ryanair now offers cheap flights to Morocco in January.

Return flight from Wroclaw to Morocco will cost you only €65!

There is one stopover in Paris Beauvais on your journey, so the whole flight consists of 4 parts:


  • Wroclaw 13:20 – Paris Beauvais 15:25 | 49 PLN = 12€ | 11./14.1.
  • Parris Beauvais 19:55 – Fez 21:50 | 22.99€ | 11./14.1.


  • Tangier 10:55 – Paris Beauvais 14:35 | 209 MAD = 18€ | 18.1.
  • Paris Beauvais – 20:05 – Wroclaw 22:15 | 49 PLN = 12€ | 18.1.

10 kg cabin luggage and one other small bag is included in the price which should be more than enough for such a trip.

Fez and Tangier are connected with a train.

Another possibility is to fly from Warsaw for just 5€ more. If you decide for this route, you have to make stopover in Brussel Charleroi on your way to Morocco (Fez) and London Stansted on your way back (also from Fez) for the best price (e.g. 15.-23.1.).

Book directly on Ryanair.

Accommodation in Fez

Fez and whole Morocco is really cheap country where you can sleep for €4 per night without problems. Check our accommodation search engine to compare all major booking sites at once!

Weather in Fez

[forecast location=”fez, morocco” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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