Cheap flights to Canada: Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary from Prague for €426!
US Airways now offer amazing prices of flights from the Czech Republic to Canada.
Return flights from Prague to Vancouver are available for just €426 / 340 GBP!
You can fly also to Toronto or Calgary for just few Euros more.
Regular price on this route is €700+ so you indeed save lot of money!
Travel dates are from September 2014 to middle of May 2015!
23 kg luggage is included, transfers are slightly longer but you save lot of money with this ticket.
Example dates:
- 7.10. – 21.10.
- 20.1. – 27.1.
- 20.1. – 3.2.
- 3.2. – 17.2.
- 10.3. – 24.3.
- 7.4. – 21.4.
- 28.4. – 12.5.
Book via (click the link above and adjust dates if needed) or via Travelpack, this price is not available elsewhere.
Accommodation in Vancouver
Vancouver is rather expensive town. You can get cheapest hostels from approx €20 per night. Use our search engine to compare all the accommodation options online at once.
Renting a car in Vancouver
If you want to discover the whole country and you are slightly adventurous renting a car is the best option to travel around so check the rates to get the best prices.
Weather in Vancouver
[forecast location=”Vancouver, Canada” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]
03.09.2014 at 08:57
Cheap flights