Cheap flights to Colombia: Bogota from €468!

24.04.2013 at 09:22

Cheap flights

American Airlines now offer some great cheap flights to Colombia from Europe.

You can fly on multicity route Madrid – Bogota – Berlin for only €468!

Travel dates are from now until end of May and then from September to 14th December 2013 with maximum stay of 1 month.

For few Euros more, you can return to Munich instead of Berlin.

Example dates:

  • 25.11. – 12.12.

Book through Expedia to get this great price!


Accommodation in Bogota

Bogota is pretty cheap and you can get hostels from approx €5 per night accommodation options. Use our search engine to compare all the booking sites at once.

Renting a car in Bogota

If you want to discover the whole island and you are slightly adventurous renting a car is the best option to travel around so check the rates to get the best prices.

Weather in Bogota

[forecast location=”Bogota, Colombia” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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