Cheap flights to Philippines: Manila for only €346!

26.06.2019 at 10:10

Cheap flights

UPDATE 26.6.2019: Very cheap flights from Munich to Manila are now available for only €346! You can also fly from Frankfurt for €391, which is still a good price. Travel dates from September to November 2019, e.g. 7.9.-28.9., 12.9.-29.9., 16.9.-2.10., 21.9.-2.10., 30.9.-11.10., 5.10.-18.10., 10.10.-23.10., 19.10.-6.11. or 28.10.-13.11. Meal onboard and 23 kg check-in luggage included in the price. BOOK NOW, check screenshot.

If you want to visit beautiful Philippines in the main season, this deal is a perfect news for you.

Return flights from Milan (Malpensa) to Manila are now available for only €393!

Flights are operated by Saudia and we ourselves took this route and airline and can recommend it.

Getting to Milan is very easy from any corner of Europe, there are cheap flights from virtually all European airports, check Momondo to find a connecting flight.

Travel dates are great in October and November, prefect time to escape from colder temperatures in Europe.

23 kg luggage is included in the price.

Example dates:

  • 12.10. – 27.10.
  • 19.10. – 3.11.
  • 27.10. – 10.11.
  • 4.11. – 16.11.
  • 5.11. – 19.11.
  • 9.11. – 25.11.
  • 14.11. – 29.11.
  • 17.11. – 29.11.

Book your tickets now to get this great price (or in English for €409).


Accommodation in Manila

Manila is very cheap destination with simplest hostels starting at few Euros per night. Compare all booking sites at once with our accommodation search engine and don’t waste your money.

Weather in Manila

[forecast location=”Manila, Philippines” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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