Cheap flights to USA: Miami for only €426!

20.01.2015 at 09:09

Cheap flights

KLM, Delta and Air France now offers really cheap flights to USA from Germany.

Return ticket from Berlin to Miami will cost you only €426!

You can also fly from any other airport in Germany served by KLM for a good price, for example from Hamburg (475€), Düsseldorf (449€), Stuttgart (441€) or Hannover (483€).

This price is available for travel dates between January and March.

23 kg luggage is included in the ticket.

Example dates:

  • 27.1. – 9.2.
  • 2.2. – 11.2.
  • 27.2. – 12.3.
  • 2.3. – 18.3.

Book your tickets directly through KLM to get this great price!


Accommodation in Miami

Miami offers wide range of affordable accommodation. You can choose cheap motel or check great hotel deals to get the best offers. There’s also plenty of well-located hostels close to the beach.

Renting a car in Miami

It is a good idea to explore a bit more than just Miami on a trip and the easiest way to do this is to rent a car and go on a small roadtrip. Prices of car rental are generally pretty low in the USA.

Weather in Miami

[forecast location=”Miami, USA” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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