Cheap flights to Vancouver from London/Manchester for £398
Canadian Affair is now offering cheap non-stop flights from London or Manchester to Vancouver, Canada.
You can book return flight for only £398 which is around €458, pretty good price for this destination!
Vancouver was voted #1 city to live in and it’s really beautiful so it’s pretty good destination if you want to visit Canada.
There are only few dates left:
- Departure from London: 2nd to 10th May; 3rd to 11th May 2013
- Departure from Manchester: 3rd to 11th May 2013
Book directly with Canadian Affair.
Accommodation in Vancouver
Vancouver is rather expensive town. You can get cheapest hostels from approx €20 per night. Use our search engine to compare all the accommodation options online at once.
Renting a car in Vancouver
If you want to discover the whole country and you are slightly adventurous renting a car is the best option to travel around so check the rates to get the best prices.
Weather in Vancouver
[forecast location=”Vancouver, Canada” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]
25.04.2013 at 07:53
Cheap flights