Cheap holidays in USA: direct flights to Chicago & 8 days in 3* hotel for €630!
Air Berlin Holidays now offer great deal for anyone who wants to spend one week in the USA.
Return flights from Germany to Chicago and 1 week of accommodation in very decent 3 star hotel are available from only €630!
Cheapest departure is from Berlin but you can also fly from basically any other major Germany airport like Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich or even Wien for €5-€50 more.
3 star hotel Chicago Essex Inn is located directly in the center of the city and offers great comfort and services.
Flights are direct with 23 kg luggage allowance.
Travel dates:
- 20.3. – 27.3.
Book here, only few places are left!
Hotel pictures:
Weather in Chicago
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14.03.2014 at 11:48
Cheap accommodation, Cheap flights