EasyJet cancels airport check-in, you have to print your boarding card now

28.03.2013 at 14:28

Travel news

EasyJet decided to follow RyanAir and completely cancels the possibility to check in at the airports before the departure.

From 30th April, all passengers will have to do the check-in online at the website of EasyJet. It will be no longer possible to come to the airport without the boarding card and get it from the employees of the airline.

You will also have to print your boarding card at home, and bring it with you. This procedure is already required from all Ryanair passangers for many years.

EasyJet decided to cancel airport checkin in order to decrease the costs of renting space at the airport and employing own people there. The company claims it will not be a major change, because 80 percent of passengers already check in online.

The competitive RyanAir charges an incredible fee of 70 Euros to passangers who forget to do the online check-in and come to the airport withtout the self-printed boarding card. This is in most cases much more than the price of the flight itself and RyanAir is heavily criticised for such a high fee. It has been also a target of numerous lawsuits from upset passengers.

EasyJet didn’t announce the price for such fee if you forget to do the check in online.



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Keywords: easyjet print boarding pass at airport, easyjet boarding pass at airport, easyjet check in procedure, what happens if you get to the airport anc you havent printed your boarding pass, will easyjet print my boarding pass

4 Responses to “EasyJet cancels airport check-in, you have to print your boarding card now”

  1. Sean says:

    Hi man I’ve purchases tickets online and they said I must print off my boarding pass before arriving at the airport but when I try to log in to complete online check in its says it’s timed out. Would arriving at the airport with just the referance number an passport?

  2. admin says:

    hi Sean,
    arriving just with your passport will almost 100% not work, they will need printed boarding card for sure. i never had problems with online checking at easyjet. it’s possible it’s too early or too late for the online check-in: they usually open it 14 days before the flight and close it few hours before the actual take off. if your problems persist, try calling their help line and asking what to do…

  3. suzanne mills says:

    Im trying to print boarding passes with no luck

  4. admin says:

    Hi Suzanne,
    do you have an Android or iOS smartphone? You can try downloading a free Easyjet app and then you will have the boarding pass directly in your phone! You will just show it at the airport as normal printed boarding pass and you will be able to go through check-in and onboard your flight! 🙂

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