Get €10 free credit for!

15.06.2020 at 09:34

Cheap accommodation

Here’s a really sweet deal that pretty much everyone can enjoy to book cheaper accommodation anywhere in the world.

You can now get €10 free credit for!

It is very easy, just follow these steps to get the €10 credit in less than 3 minutes.

  1. Download and install app (or update it if you already have it installed)
  2. Log in with your username and password or create a new account
  3. Search for any destination and any dates
  4. When you get the results, click on heart icon to add it to favourites with any 3 hotels
  5. Popup will appear showing you that you just received €10 reward!

It will take few minutes to be able to use the reward, has to “verify” it.

You will receive 3 emails and roughly after 10 minutes your reward will be ready to use!

You can then use this credit for any reservation on!

This credit is valid until 13th August 2021 so you have plenty of time to use it.

This offer works for both Android and iOS app.

The only restriction is that you have to use the credit for accommodation that accepts online payments, but that’s vast majority of the offers on

Enjoy your cheaper accommodation with and RushFlights!


Rating: 4.5 (3x)


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