HIT! Error fare flights to Chile: Santiago for only €285!

15.06.2016 at 08:36

Cheap flights

Here’s something amazing for all travelers who want to visit South America.

Return flights from Dusseldorf to Santiago de Chile are now available for only €285!

This is an incredible price for destination where you would normally pay at least €800 for the ticket.

Travel dates are very limited in December 2016 and this is obviously an error fare that can be fixed anytime soon so you better hurry up with the booking!

23 kg luggage is included in the price.

Flights are operated by LATAM Airlines with 2 short stopovers.

How to get to Dusseldorf? Check Momondo to find connecting flights from your airport or take Flixbus buses from many cities and countries in Europe.

Example dates:

Book fast via Momondo.


Accommodation in Santiago

Chile is a cheap country with plenty of affordable accommodation options, so just compare the best deals with our hotel comparison page. We also recommend AirBnB with our special €18 free credit for your first reservation, You can also try Agoda discount coupon for 8% discount from all hotels in Chile.

Weather in Santiago

[forecast location=”Santiago, Chile” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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Rating: 4.8 (19x)


4 Responses to “HIT! Error fare flights to Chile: Santiago for only €285!”

  1. John says:

    Not working when u go to the payment. Then it shows more than 700 EUR!

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