Hotel Quickly $15 off exclusive discount coupon code!

15.11.2013 at 10:44

Cheap accommodation

We have prepared a special offer for you in cooperation with Hotel Quickly, the last minute hotel booking app in Asia.

Next time you are in Asia and you book with them, use code RUSHFLIGHTS and get 15 USD off already discounted hotels.

To see more details about this offer and download their app, check this special page.

Hotel Quickly is a last minute hotel booking app, covering most of South East Asia and Australia and offering hotel room for discounted last minute prices. It is a perfect way to indulge yourself while on the road. When you get sick and tired of shared spaces, hot rooms, and small beds in hostels, you can book a nice hotel for almost a hostel-like price. Plus, if you find yourself craving for some real splendour, they also offer some real 5 star jewels for prices you would not expect.

You can download Hotel Quickly app for your iOS, Android or Blackberry device.



Rating: 4.8 (10x)

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