MEGA HIT! Cheap flights to Colombia: Bogota for €277!

23.09.2014 at 08:14

Cheap flights

Wow this is super cool offer! Air Berlin and United now offer amazingly cheap flights to Colombia!

Return flights from Berlin to Bogota will cost you only €277!

Regular price of flights to Colombia is €800+!

You can also fly from many other cities like Munich (€270), Budapest (€283), Krakow (€290) or Vienna (€343)!

Travel dates are from October 2014 until February 2015.

There is stopover in New York along the way so you need valid ESTA to take this flight ($14).

23 kg luggage is included.

Example dates:

  • 10.10. – 26.10.
  • 17.10. – 31.10.
  • 30.11. – 14.12.
  • 30.11. – 22.12.
  • 12.12. – 28.12.
  • 15.12. – 28.12.
  • 16.1. – 30.1.
  • 23.1. – 8.2.
  • 23.1. – 15.2.

You have to specify Air Berlin for flight #1 and United for flight #2 as your prefered airline as shown on the screenshot below to get this price (or just click on the link above). Click on “Suche auf meine bevorzugten Fluggesellschaften einschränken” under Mehr Suchoptionen and select AirBerlin for Fluggesellschaft 1 and United for Fluggesellschaft 2.

This price is available only at, use Google Translator if you do not speak German.


How to fill the booking form:


Accommodation in Bogota

Bogota is pretty cheap and you can get hostels from approx €5 per night accommodation options. Use our search engine to compare all the booking sites at once.

Renting a car in Bogota

If you want to discover the whole island and you are slightly adventurous renting a car is the best option to travel around so check the rates to get the best prices.

Weather in Bogota

[forecast location=”Bogota, Colombia” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”4″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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Rating: 4.5 (7x)

Keywords: mega hit flight

4 Responses to “MEGA HIT! Cheap flights to Colombia: Bogota for €277!”

  1. Franziska von Blumenthal says:

    Hello there,

    can you please explain to me where I can find these flights?! I have looked at the website and there is no flight for €277 or even anything close to that price for Berlin – Bogota. I looked for the dates 23/01/15 to 15/02/15 so I am within the times stipulated. Please do let me know as I would like to book!



  2. admin says:

    Hi Franziska,
    these offers usually last only few days so you have to book them fast once we publish the article. Add our site to your bookmarks and check it daily to see new offers or like us on Facebook and you will be able to save a lot of money 😉

  3. Jon says:

    When will you have more details like this from Europe to Colombia?

  4. admin says:

    Hi Jon,
    it’s impossible to predict, it depends when some mistake fake / offer appears and we can’t tell you when that’s going to happen… Anyway we will post it here for sure! 😉

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