Most popular destinations of 2013 – Tripadvisor Traveller’s Choice

22.05.2013 at 08:14

Cheap flights

Tripadvisor announced results of Traveller’s Choice 2013 awards which lists the most popular tourist destinations in the whole world for the current year.

There has been lot of changes from the last year.

The new number one is Paris. Paris was ranked #4 last year so it’s a big improvement.

New York ended up second which is very stable position for this city.

Third place and bronze medal belongs to London.

Complete list:

  • 1. Paris
  • 2. New York
  • 3. London
  • 4. Rome
  • 5. Barcelona
  • 6. Venice
  • 7. San Francisco
  • 8. Florence
  • 9. Prague
  • 10. Sydney

As you can see, only 3 cities are not located in Europe. Also, Italy has the highest amount of cities listed in these awards – Rome, Venice and Florence.

Haven’t you been to one or more of these towns? Check our cheap flights search engine and book your tickets! You can also compare all hotel booking sites at once and find the best deals!


Rating: 5 (27x)


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