New Wizz Air routes from Poland: Hurghada, Kharkhiv, Grenoble

03.07.2013 at 11:01

Travel news

Wizz Air organized a press conference yesterday in Warsaw where they announced a whole bunch of new routes in their network.

Starting from 31st October you will be able to buy low cost tickets from Warsaw and Katowice to Hurghada in Egypt, Kharkhiv in Ukraine and Grenoble in France.

Hurghada is popular holiday resort in Egypt, Kharkhiv is second biggest city in Ukraine and Grenoble is popular starting point for fans of skiing.

Another new route will be opened between Poznan and Milan Bergamo.

Wizz Air also confirmed their interest to open flights from Poland to Dubai and Tel Aviv, however they stated it’s long and complicated process before they sort out all the bureacracy.

First flights between Katowice and Hurghada can be booked for 488 zloty (€120) for members of Wizz Discount Club travelling with small cabin luggage.



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