PolskiBus Summer sale: tickets for 1 PLN / €0.25!
Polskibus launched new round of sale today for their whole bus network.
You can buy super cheap bus tickets in comfortable Polskibus buses across central and eastern Europe for only €0.25 / 1 PLN!
Travel dates for this promotion are from 26th June to 7th September.
There is 1 PLN booking fee added to each reservation.
Tickets are disappearing every minute so you must hurry up if you want to get the best price!
Many tickets are available alo for 15 PLN which is still amazing price (€4).
Example tickets:
Wroclaw – Warsaw (4h 50m): 19.8.2015, 1 PLN!
Many other cities are included in this sale, for example:
- Warsaw
- Berlin
- Krakow
- Vilnius
- Vienna
- Gdansk
Book your tickets directly at Polskibus.
07.05.2015 at 09:33
Cheap tickets