Super cheap flights to New Delhi! Only €287!

09.10.2013 at 14:57

Cheap flights

This is really groundbreaking week! After cheapest flights to Dubai for €75 or to Iceland for just €59, we have another milestone. Super cheap flights to India!

To celebrate 80 years of Air France, KLM and Air France now offer return flights from Switzerland to New Delhi for only €287 / 354 CHF!

You can fly from Basel (best price), Geneva or Zurich (€15 more).

This offer is valid only today and tomorrow so you have to decide really fast if you want to book these tickets!

This is by far the lowest price on flights to Delhi we covered in our almost 1 year history – other offers were mostly around €350 or more and standard price for this destination is €500+.

Departures are possible from 4th November with maximum stay of 3 months.

There are currently cheap flights for basically any date especially after new year!

Example dates:

  • 28.1. – 13.2.
  • 4.2. – 20.2.
  • 19.5. – 2.6.

Book directly via KLM for the best price!


Accommodation in New Delhi

New Delhi is extremely huge city, one of the most populous in whole India so you can be sure there is accommodation of all kinds and it’s rather cheap. The prices start at around €15 for double room in simple two star hotels.

Weather in New Delhi

[forecast location=”new delhi, India” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”5″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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Rating: 5 (20x)

Keywords: dubai temple, new delhi loest tample, super temple

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