Super cheap Ryanair tickets from Linz & Bratislava for only €9!
Ryanair has some really cool offers lately and you can now get super cheap flight tickets!
For selected flights from Linz or Bratislava you will pay only €9.99 for one-way flight!
This means you get return ticket for just €19!
The routes available for this price are:
- Linz – London Stansted
- Bratislava – Milan
- Bratislava – Brussels
Availability of travel dates is in January 2015.
These tickets are cheaper than your cab back home from a Friday party!
10 kg luggage up to 55 cm and other smaller bag are included in the price.
Example dates:
Linz – London
- 13.1. – 15.1.
- 15.1. – 20.1.
Book at
05.01.2015 at 13:25
Cheap flights