Cheap flights to tokio

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Crazy cheap flights to WHOLE ASIA from Prague! Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Tokio and more!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


We informed you few days ago about cheap flights from Prague to Bali for amazing price and this post became a realy hit. But it doesn’t end up only with Bali – you can actually book flights to basically all Asian countries with this deal from China Eastern airlines! Return tickets to always popular Bangkok […]

MEGA HIT! Russian crisis: crazy cheap flights with Aeroflot (Thailand, Maldives from Prague for €334 and more)!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


This is indeed a crazy week for all fans of cheap traveling! Here’s another sweet Christmas deal for you: cheap flights to basically WHOLE WORLD with Aeroflot. If you watch international news from time to time you probably know that Russian currency lost over 40% of its value. Russian national bank reacted today and increased […]

Cheap flight to Japan: Tokio for only €309!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


LTUR now offers super cheap flight to Japan. Return ticket from Geneva to Tokio will cost you only €309. Travel dates are fixed and there is only one option: 13.5. – 24.5. This flight is operated by British Airways and check-in luggage is already included in the price. Book here. Screenshot: Accommodation in Tokio Tokio […]

Cheap flights to Japan: Prague-Tokio for €513!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Aeroflot still offers bunch of great tariffs on flights to Asia. You can now book return flight Prague – Tokio for only €513 / 13290 CZK. There is one stopover in Moscow with just couple of hours of waiting and 20 kg luggage is included in the price. Travel dates are from November 2013 till […]

Visit Japan! Cheap flights to Tokio for €510!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Etihad Airways now offer some great tickets to Japan. You can fly from Milan to Tokio with return to Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich or Vienna for prices starting at €510! The cheapest return airport on this multicity flight is Frankfurt, the other cities are slightly more expensive. Departures are limited to May and June 2013, maximum […]

Super cheap tickets to Japan! Tokio from €342!

Monday, April 1, 2013


Turkish Airlines just launched awesome promotion on flights to Japan. You can now buy tickets from Barcelona to Tokio Narita airport for only €342. The good thing is this tariff can be combined with other destinations on the return flight so you can come back to any city served by Turkish Airlines and that includes […]

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