Wizz Air announces massive expansion in Vienna: 17 new routes!

09.01.2018 at 15:32

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Low-cost Hungarian airline Wizz Air is making Austria its next choice for a base as it announced a massive expansion in Vienna today!

The carrier said it will establish base operations at Vienna Airport with one Airbus A320 initially from June 2018, followed by two Airbus A321 aircraft in November 2018.

Wizz Air plans to operate 17 new routes from the Austrian capital this year for both business and leisure travellers, connecting Vienna with Gdansk, Tuzla and Varna from April. Bari, Malta, Rome, Valencia and Tel Aviv follow in June, with destinations including Bergen, Dortmund and Tenerife then added in November.

Complete alphabetical list of new destinations: Bari, Bergen, Billund, Dortmund, Gdansk, Kutaisi, Larnaca, Malta, Nis, Ohrid, Rome, Tel-Aviv, Tuzla, Tenerife, Thessaloniki, Valencia and Varna.

Seats on the routes are on sale with one-way tickets from €19.99, and in total, the airline said it will offer 450,000 seats across the new Austrian routes, operating 69 weekly flights by the end of the year.

It will be interesting to see how this expansion impacts Wizz Air’s operations from nearby Bratislava airport. Wizz Air currently operates flights to 6 destinations from Bratislava, with Tuzla being removed in April 2017.

Competitor Ryanair also flies from Bratislava to Malta, Rome Ciampino, Thessaloniki, Nis, Paphos and Bourgas.

This is definitely good news for all fans of low cost traveling in Central Europe and welcomed competition for the Vienna airport which is currently dominated by Austrian Airlines followed by Eurowings and Lufthansa.


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