WOW! Cheap flights to Sri Lanka for €358!
If you plan to visit Sri Lanka, we have a great tip for you which can save you lot of money on your ticket!
If you combine offers from Pegasus Airline and FlyDubai, you can get to Colombo in Sri Lanka for just €358 ($477).
You need to combine two flights: start with Lviv (Ukraine) to Beirut and then change to Beirut – Colombo flight.
To get this price, you have to flight in January 2014.
You will also have 3 days stopover in Beirut which you can use to explore the capital of Lebanon.
Example dates:
- Lviv – Beirut: 10.1.2014
- Beirut – Colombo 13.1.2014
- Colombo – Beirut 23.1.2014
- Beirut – Lviv 24.1.2014
You can of course combine more dates and other destinations for extra fee if you do not want to fly from Lviv.
Book directly via Pegasus Airlines and Flydubai.
Accommodation in Colombo
Colombo and Sri Lanka in general offers great price/value ratio with cheap accommodation in the whole country. Check out best hotels in Colombo here.
Renting a car in Sri Lanka
If you want to discover the whole island and you are slightly adventurous renting a car can be a very good option to travel around so check the rates to get the best prices.
Weather in Colombo
[forecast location=”Colombo, Sri Lanka” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”5″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]
14.06.2013 at 11:12
Cheap flights