WOW! Cheap last minute flights to Egypt: Sharm el Sheikh for only €79!
UPDATE 22.5. Opodo now offers really cheap flights to Egypt: from Nürnberg or Stuttgart to Sharm el Sheikh for only €93! Fixed dates 30.5.-13.6., check-in luggage included, expect 30°C. 😉 Book here ASAP, check screenshot. We also recommend to book hotels in Egypt from just €5 per night!
UPDATE 9.12.: new cheap flights from Frankfurt, Köln, Hannover, Munchen or Nuremberg to Sharm el Sheikh again available for only €79, dates 13.12.-20.12. Book here.
Expedia now offers last minute charter flights to Egypt for amazing price!
Last minute flights from Dusseldorf, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Munchen or Stuttgart to Sharm el Sheikh are available for only €79!
You can also fly from Frankfurt for €89 or Köln for €99.
All flights for €79 have fixed dates including 7 nights, enough to enjoy your winter escape.
Travel dates:
- 6.12. – 13.12.
Sharm el Sheikh currently has temperatures around 30°C, so you don’t have to worry about the weather.
Book fast here before it’s gone!
Accommodation in Sharm el Sheikh
Sharm El Sheikh is famous resort with hundreds of cheap hotels, just check the rates online to find the best deals!
Weather in Sharm el Sheikh
[forecast location=Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”5″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]
22.05.2015 at 10:25
Cheap flights