WOW! Cheapest flights to Turkey: Budapest-Istanbul for €20!

21.07.2014 at 14:53

Cheap flights

Wizz Air now offers super cheap flights to Istanbul.

Return flights from Budapest to Istanbul are available for only €20 / 6180 HUF!!

This is the lowest price you can get now and is valid only if you travel with small cabin luggage (42x32x25 cm) and if you are member of Wizz Discount Club (29€ per year, non-members +10€ extra).

Cheapest travel dates are in January and February 2015 but you can find good prices for the whole winter!

Cheapest dates (3090 HUF one way):

  • Departures: 13.1., 18.1., 19.1., 20.1., 21.1., 22.1., 25.1., 26.1., 27.1.
  • Returns: 11.2., 12.2., 13.2., 19.2.

These are just cheapest dates we found for you, there are flights daily and the price is just few Euros more so pick a date and combine the cheap flight that fits well for you.

Book via Wizzair.

Accommodation in Istanbul

Istanbul offers extrensive range of accommodation options for extremely good prices, you can easily get 4 or 5 star hotels for next to nothing. If you travel alone, you can find plenty of good hostels as well for less than 5€ per night.

Weather in Istanbul

[forecast location=”Istanbul, Turkey” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”5″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]


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