Cheapest flights to Greece in history: Athens from Bratislava for €46!
UPDATE 12.3.: super cheap flights from Bratislava to Athens and vice versa for only €50 now available also for May! Example dates 21.5.-28.5., check screenshot, book via Ryanair.
As we informed few months ago Ryanair will start operating flights from Bratislava to Athens in April and you can now book the cheapest tickets in history for this route.
Return ticket from Bratislava to Athens will cost you only €46.
You can also fly from Budapest to Athens for similar price.
The previous lowest price was around €60!
Travel dates are in April.
You can combine visit of Athens with trip to one of many Greek islands, for example flights to Santorini or Chania are available for approx. €45 and there are many buses combined with ferries too!
Example dates:
- 16.4. – 23.4. (€46)
- 23.4. – 28.4. (€46)
- 23.4. – 25.4. (€52)
- 25.4. – 28.4. (€52)
Many other dates are available for just few Euros more.
Book via Ryanair.
Accommodation in Athens
Athens offer decent prices and wide choice of accommodation after the Greek crisis. The prices start at around €20 for double room in simple two star hotels.
Weather in Athens
[forecast location=”Athens, greece” caption=”” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”5″ iconset=”Incredible” cache=”true” width=”100%”]
12.03.2015 at 15:54
Cheap flights