Cheap flights to emirates

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10% off Emirates discount promo code 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025


One of the best airlines in the world, Emirates, released a brand new promotion code that allows you to save money on your flight ticket in 2025.   UPDATE 02.01.2025: Emirates offer another new discount code for 10% off for flights from Europe. This Emirates promo code is valid for flights to Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, […]

Arab countries turn against Qatar, Emirates and Etihad cancel all flights

Monday, June 5, 2017


Flights to Qatar have been cancelled amid a row over the country “supporting terrorists”. Emirates airline cancelled flights to Doha from Tuesday morning, following similar announcements from flydubai, Etihad Airways, Air Arabia and Saudia Arabian Airlines. From the evening of 5 June 2017, Etihad Airways will suspend all flights to and from Doha until further […]

Super promo from Warsaw! Beijing, Shanghai, Tokio, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Singapore and more from €277!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Luxurious airline Emirates is coming to Polish Warsaw airport and to celebrate this new destination, they are offering super low prices of return tickets from Warsaw from this midnight. You can book cheap tickets to most Emirates destination from Warsaw for really low prices now! But hurry up, the tickets are disappearing really fast! List […]

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