Uber launches taxi services in Brno, Czech Republic!
We were just informed by Uber that the company today launches their taxi services in Brno in the Czech Republic.
Brno is the 2nd biggest city in the country which longed for Uber for many years and today the wish finally became a reality.
Uber will offer their UberPOP service in the city with same price as in capital Prague – 9,90 CZK for 1 kilometer.
This means all visitors and citizens of Brno can now enjoy cheaper and more reliable taxi services.
If you want to get 10€ / 150 CZK discount for your 1st ride with Uber, just click here to sign up or use promo code UBERRUSHFLIGHTS in the app to get the discount.
This is today’s second good news for citizens of the Czech Republic after the launch of cheap flights to Barcelona and Madrid from Prague we informed about earlier today.
01.02.2017 at 10:14
Travel news